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On February 28th 2013, The Royal Thai Embassy to Israel presented “Enchanting Night of Thai Exquisite Performance”, a recital of different traditional Thai dances performed by the Royal Palace Ensemble at the Gerard Bechar Center in Jerusalem.

Directed by Dr. Anucha Thirakanont, the show is part of a world tour and was presented in Israel for two days under the auspices of the Ambassador of Thailand, H.E. Mr. Jukr Boon-Long.

Ambassador Boon-Long welcomed the assistants in a brief greeting in Hebrew, speaking of how proud it made him to share Thai culture with Israelis, who are known to appreciate the ancient history and traditions of the Asian country. The event, he said, is the first of many planned for the upcoming celebration of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Israel and Thailand.  

The show included nine musicians and sixteen dancers performing eight segments of Khon classical dances, combining dancing and drama in the depiction of episodes of the Ramakien. The elaborate polychromatic costumes, masks, make up and headdresses kept the audience enthralled throughout the performance. The characters in the story enticed while marvelling mythical creatures sprang from the stage in an exquisite delicate style, with tantalizing moves and ever repetitive sounds that captivated and created a paradoxical tension in the ambiance.

At the end of the show, Ambassador Boon-Long and his wife presented a flower bouquet to the director and choreographer Anucha Thirakanont as an effusive courtesy was bestowed by the actors and musicians in gratitude to the audience. Finally, H.E. Mr. Jukr Boon-Long thanked everyone with a traditional Thai display of gratitude and reverence.