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"October 7th " In a unique new exhibition, photographer Ziv Koren shows for the first time his shocking and comprehensive documentation of Israeli society since October 7th.


Photographs from the difficult fighting until today are shown in the photographer’s exhibition.

Ziv Koren at the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation, beginning May 4.


Photographer Ziv Koren has been documenting historical events and humanitarian issues in Israel and around the world for years, but nothing prepared him for the events of October 7, 2023. In fact, he was one of the first to document that day, under fire.


Since that day, all of Ziv's work has been dedicated to the southern front, and his photographs provide shocking, unique and original documentation from the kibbutzim, settlements and cities surrounding Gaza, from inside the Gaza Strip alongside IDF soldiers on the battlefield, and of the intimate and emotional reunions of the families of the kidnapped and wounded in Israeli hospitals.



The exhibition “October 7” – which has been presented in over 40 cities in countries around the world – will debut for the first time in Israel at the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation, providing shocking, unique, comprehensive and original documentation from the events of that dark Saturday to the present day, including both print images and digital exhibits of Ziv’s photographs.


The exhibition will be open to the public starting Saturday May 4th.

Exhibition opening hours:

Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday 17:00-20:00

Saturday 10:00-15:00


Link to the ticket (and schedule the visit to the exhibition)



*A portion of ticket proceeds will be donated to the Hostage and Missing Families Forum.


The exhibition will be presented in 40 cities / countries , including ; Madrid , Tibilisi, Montevideo, Budapest, Roma, Lugano, Torino, Pisa, Moscu, Buenos Aires ,

San Jose, Berlin, Brussels, Mexico City , Houston, Warsaw, Tegucigalpa, Otawa, Panama, Oslo, Atlanta, Helsinki, The Hague, Singapore, Vienna, Tokyo, New Delhi, Canberra




Photo credit Silvia G Golan

 Photo 1 the photographer Ziv Koren with the Influencer Yoseph Haddad