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 Over one weekend, 180 sites, tours, talks, and meetings will be held , free of charge throughout the city in private homes, public buildings, and public spaces

In the wake of the "Iron Swords" war, the Municipality of Tel Aviv-Yafo and the organizers of the event decided to hold "Open House Tel-Aviv" to celebrate our story, the miracle called State of Israel, and the story behind the building of the first Hebrew-speaking city.

The Open House Tel-Aviv event is an opportunity for the public to observe the qualities and complexities of the place where we live, to ask deep questions that are now more relevant than ever - what is a house in the physical, historical, and emotional sense? What is our belonging to this place and our connection to the city and its story?

Ron Huldai, Mayor of Tel Aviv-Yafo: "This year, more than ever, the concept of "home" is charged with new values. Since October 7, many Israeli citizens have not lived in their homes. Security and the regular and reserve security forces spent long days away from home. Many thousands who were evacuated from their homes found a home in the city of Tel Aviv-Yafo for a while and were received here with a lot of love and support. Despite this, and perhaps because of this, we decided to hold Open House, the largest and most important architecture event in Israel, and to reveal through it all the elements that make the city of Tel Aviv-Yafo a home, all the good things of this place and of the men and women who make it, and to remember what we are fighting for. Have a good time and make yourselves at home."


More About Open House Tel-Aviv is an event where numerous individuals, such as architects, developers, property owners, and institutional administrators, come together to facilitate exploration of Tel-Aviv. Inspired by similar events in London and New York, it opens up various private spaces like designer lofts, urban villas, synagogues, public buildings, construction sites, plazas, and gardens for public exploration and discussion. These contributions from various stakeholders aim to offer insight into the city's essence and promote a deeper understanding of its architectural and cultural landscape.

Highlights of the "Open House" 2024 event:• Historical tours telling the story of the construction of the first Hebrew city.• Tours of new and groundbreaking educational institutions.• Introduction to public buildings designed to integrate diverse populations into urban life.• Historical tours telling the story of the construction of the first Hebrew city.• Tours of new and groundbreaking educational institutions.• Introduction to public buildings designed to integrate diverse populations into urban life.• This year, there will also be activities for children, including a theatrical journey in Park

   HaTachana teaching its history.

For all tours, please click here   

